the number of functions greater than or equal to a wide variety of thresholds in each experimental unit
vars = NA,
threshmin = 0.05,
threshmax = 0.99,
threshstep = 0.01,
proportion = FALSE,
prepend = "Diversity",
maxN = 1
A data frame with functions.
The column names of the functions to be assessed.
The lowest threshold value to assess.
The highest threshold value to assess
The incremental steps between lowest and highest thresholds to be assessed. See seq
Whether the output will be returned as a porportion of all functions. Defaults to FALSE
Additional columns that will be imported from the data for the returned data frame.
As a 'maximum' value can be subject to outliers, etc., what number of the highest data points for a function will be used to calculate the value against which thresholds will be judged. E.g., if maxN=1 then all thresholds are porportions of the largest value measured for a function. If maxN=8, then it's the porportion of the mean of the highest 8 measurements.
Returns a data frame of number or fraction of functions greater than or equal to the selected thresholds in each plot over all thresholds within the relevant range.
Create a data frame that has the value of number or proportion of functions greater than a threshold for several different thresholds at the plot.
allVars <- qw(biomassY3, root3, N.g.m2, light3, N.Soil, wood3, cotton3)
germany <- subset(all_biodepth, all_biodepth$location == "Germany")
vars <- whichVars(germany, allVars)
# re-normalize N.Soil so that everything is on the same
# sign-scale (e.g. the maximum level of a function is
# the "best" function)
germany$N.Soil <- -1 * germany$N.Soil +
max(germany$N.Soil, na.rm = TRUE)
germanyThresh <- getFuncsMaxed(germany, vars,
threshmin = 0.50,
threshmax = 0.60, prepend = c("plot", "Diversity"), maxN = 7