summarizes the number of species necessary for each function
including means, SDs, and other metrics
m = 2,
type = "positive",
index = "sorensen",
denom = "set"
Matrix of functions and which species affect them from getRedundancy
Number of functions. Defaults to 2.
Are the kinds of effects we're looking at "positive", "negative" or "all".
Type of overlap index to be used by getOverlap
Type of denominator to be used by getOverlap
Returns a data frame of the mean overlap, SD, and number of possible combinations.
getOverlapSummary takes a matrix of 1s and -1s, and depending on whether we're interested in positive, negative, or both types of interactions looks for the m-wise overlap between species and then reports summary metrics of mean overlap, SD, and number of combinations
allVars <- qw(biomassY3, root3, N.g.m2, light3, N.Soil, wood3, cotton3)
germany <- subset(all_biodepth, all_biodepth$location == "Germany")
vars <- whichVars(germany, allVars)
species <- relevantSp(germany, 26:ncol(germany))
# re-normalize N.Soil so that everything is on the same
# sign-scale (e.g. the maximum level of a function is
# the "best" function)
germany$N.Soil <- -1 * germany$N.Soil + max(germany$N.Soil, na.rm = TRUE)
res.list <- lapply(vars, function(x) sAICfun(x, species, germany))
names(res.list) <- vars
redund <- getRedundancy(vars, species, germany)
getOverlapSummary(redund, m = 2)
#> meanOverlap sdOverlap n
#> 0.2827506 0.2055547 10.0000000
# getOverlapSummary takes a matrix of 1s and -1s, and depending on whether we're
# interested in positive, negative, or both types of interactions looks for the
# m-wise overlap and then reports summary metrics of mean overlap, SD, and number of combinations