A dataset containing the UN Code for Trade and Transport Locations
A data frame with 111178 rows and 13 variables:
Column 1 in UN/LOCODE shows the ISO 3166 alpha-2 Country Code that is followed by a space and a 3-character code for the place name: XX XXX. The 3-character code element for the location name will normally comprise three letters. However, where all permutations available for a country have been exhausted, the numerals 2-9 may also be used.
The names of those locations that have been accepted for inclusion in UN/LOCODE in accordance with the provisions of the Recommendation. Place names are given, whenever possible, in their national language versions as expressed in the Roman alphabet using the 26 characters of the character set adopted for international trade data interchange, with diacritic signs, when practicable.
The names of the locations which have been allocated an UN/LOCODE without diacritic signs.
Country code of location as in the International Standard ISO 3166-2/1998.
The latter part of the complete ISO 3166-2 code element (after the hyphen) is shown, as a qualifier to the location name. See eclac_code
for non-terrestrial locations.
International Air Transport Association code, if different from the second part of the LOCODE.
This column contains a 1-digit function classifier codes for the location together in a string. See function_code
This column is intended to indicate the status of the entry by a 2-character code e.g. whether approved by Government, by Customs, or based on a user requirement not necessarily recognised by an authority, etc. It is also intended to show the status of checking, e.g. that function indicators are not verified. See See status_code
Reference dates, showing the year and month of request, of entry into the code list, of latest approval, etc., as relevant.
Latitude in Degrees Minutes N/S, as in original data
Longitude in Degrees Minutes W/E, as in original data
Latitude in decimal degrees (EPSG = 4326)
Longitude in decimal degrees (EPSG = 4326)