Bollen, K.A. and Pearl, J. (2012) Eight myths about causality and Structural Equation Models. In Handbook of Structural Equation Modeling. R. Hoyle, ed. [pdf]

Byrnes, J.E., Reed, D.C., Cardinale, B.J., Cavanaugh, K.C., Holbrook, S.J. & Schmitt, R.J. (2011). Climate driven increases in storm frequency simplify kelp forest food webs. Global Change Biology, 17: 2513-2524.[pdf]

Grace, J.B. (2010) Structural Equation Modeling for Observational Studies. Journal of Wildlife Management, 72:14-22 [pdf]

Grace J.B., Anderson TM, Olff H, Scheiner SM (2010) On the specification of structural equation models for ecological systems. Ecological Monographs, 80, 67-87. [pdf]

Grace J.B., Bollen KA (2005) Interpreting the Results from Multiple Regression and Structural Equation Models. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, 86, 283-295.[pdf]

Grace, J.B. & Jutila, H. (1999). The relationship between species density and community biomass in grazed and ungrazed coastal meadows. Oikos, 398-408. [pdf]

Mancera, J.E., Meche, G.C., Cardona-Olarte, P.P., Castañeda-Moya, E., Chiasson, R.L., Geddes, N.A., et al. (2005). Fine-scale spatial variation in plant species richness and its relationship to environmental conditions in coastal marshlands. Plant Ecol., 178, 39-50. [pdf]

Matsueda, R.L. (2012) Key advances in the history of structural equation modeling. In Handbook of Structural Equation Modeling. R. Hoyle, ed. [pdf]

Pearl, J. (2009) Defending the causal interpretation of SEM. In Causality, 2nd Ed. [pdf]

Pearl, J. (2012) The causal foundations of Structural Equation Modeling. In Handbook of Structural Equation Modeling. R. Hoyle, ed. [pdf]

Shipley, B. (2004) Analysing the allometry of multiple interacting traits. Perspect Plant Ecol, 6, 235-241. [pdf]

Shipley, B. (2009) Confirmatory path analysis in a generalized multilevel context. Ecology, 90: 363-368.[pdf] [R appendix]

See also the pdfs in this folder for more topic-specific readings.

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